Original Sauces Made For Everyone to Enjoy

Keeping It all

In The Family

we support

Our Community


Our Mission:

To put smiles on peoples faces and taste buds during times of celebration and to give back to the community that has made us a success story.

60 Years Of Restaurant

Industry Experience

"You said wings?

From our customers


PMP Warrior is my absolutely all time favorite flavor, and they give to a charity everytime you order it! That makes it twice as awesome! Dirty Birds ROCKS!!

Kevin G.

The Honey Hot are to die for!

Arleen P.

The 2 we always get are Dirty Ranch and Spicy Garlic- those are just great with flavors that everyone would like.

Anna B.

The Flaming Honey Mustard sauce is sooooooo good on a salad and to dip my tots with!

Charles R.